24 March 2009

Luther - biggest impact

I'm sitting in Church History and we have just been asked to think about what has really struck us about Martin Luther's life.

Some of the things that people have said were his view of living your ordinary life as a great way to bring Glory to God, my mate Dave has been struck but Luther's time spent thinking on the toilet. Another big one was Luther's sermons, and the way that some of them were actually fairly anti-Semitic.

For me, the biggest thing that strikes me about Luther and his life is his view of the Church and his motivation. Luther was not out to bring division to the church - he was not seeking to make a name for himself as a revolutionary - he didn't want to be the names sake of a denomination of Christianity. No, Luther rather wanted to keep the Catholic church united as the physical manifestation of God's community. Luther wanted to bring the Church back to a truth based on the Bible, not bring division!


  1. Anonymous24/3/09 10:53

    I do admire Luther's desire to see unity in the church. More than that I admire that he wanted unity in the truth of the gospel.

    Its sad that his efforts led to division but better to divide than to be united under lies.

    I wonder what this example has to say to the Anglican Church at the moment.

  2. Good question - I totally understand the desires of the Anglican Church as a global community to remain united.

    I also see the desire for many to put distance between those who hold true to the written word of God and those who distort or ignore it.

    At what point do we say that there has to be division and on what issues. How much freedom do we give the Vocal minority? or are we the vocal minority?

    These are some the issues that we will battle with into the future. Lord Almight give us wisdom!

  3. Anonymous24/3/09 13:46

    I definitely think we are the vocal minority - but so was Luther ;)

  4. don't forget how he didn't change his sheets for a year!!
