14 March 2009


Well, this is a big step for me - I've finally decided to set up a blog!

So, welcome to This Jar of Clay!!! I love the book of 2 Corinthians as much as i love the rest of the Bible, but the image of Clay Jars has always captured my mind. Paul reminds us in 2Cor 4 that we, as followers of Christ Jesus have been given a special gift to share with the whole world - that being message of the Gospel that brings salvation to all. In Romans Paul also reminds us that we are lumps of clay in the hands of the potter and he will mold our lives to become what he wants us to be and not what we want.

Later Paul tells his friend Timothy:
"In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay;
some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.
If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes,
made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
(2Ti 2:20-21 NIV)

I think this idea of me being a Clay Jar willing to do the work of my Master tells everything you need to know about me: I'm a simple, human bloke wanting to be used for whatever purpose God calls me to.

This tool of my ministry is where I aim to Glorify God as I grow in Christ and witness to what he has done for me and through me.

Sit back and enjoy the journey with me.


  1. Hi there!
    Well, I was just blogging and I found your blog, This Jar of Clay, so I just stopped by. I got a question. The part where you say “...to Glorify God as I grow in Christ and witness to what he has done for me and through me.” What does all that exactly mean?

  2. hey nate!

    so excited you have a blog now :)
    loving the name!

  3. Abd Al-Rahman, thanks for reading my Blog & thanks for the question. Let me first state that I’m follower of Jesus (a.k.a. a Christian). Sometimes I’m hesitant to use the term Christian because of the atrocities that have been committed in the name of the church, but there it is – I’m a firm believer in the God that is presented in the Bible. You may not agree with everything that I say, but hope that you will listen and respect what I believe to be true.

    So here we go & I will try to break it down.

    "to Glorify God": I don’t want to live my life for myself - I want to live my life for my God, I want to live my life for Jesus – God incarnate, and give God the Glory for anything that I achieve.

    "as I grow in Christ": I'm the first person to admit that I’m not perfect, but my aim is to live my life following the example set for me by Jesus. I know that from time to time I’m going to stuff it up and follow my own selfish ways, but I know that God will forgive me which leads me into the next part.

    "witness to what he has done for me": I believe that Jesus was more than just a prophet, but rather the fulfilment of God's plans to save all people - this forgiveness of sin and reconciliation to God is made possible through the death of Jesus and God raising him back to life. This happened not by accident, but because it was the will of God, because God loves all people and wants all people to know him (1 Timothy 1:15, 1 John 2:1-2). I want to show the same love that has been shown to me, to those that I meet, and let them know that they too can be reconciled to God.

    "witness what Christ has done through me": I believe that God will use me, my life and my experiences, to let other people know more about him. That really brings me to the title of my Blog – “this jar of clay” – it’s not about me, but the message that I have inside me. My life is not about me – it’s about God and what he has done for me.

    I hope that helps expalain things.
